- TI 89
[TI-89] 설정 - 표시 자릿수 Display Digits 설정과 유효 자릿수 Significant Digits
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Solution 12130: Difference Between the FIX and FLOAT Display Digits Mode Settings on the TI-89 Family, TI-92 Family and Voyage™ 200 Graphing Calculators. |
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What is the difference between the FIX and FLOAT Display Digits mode settings on the TI-89 Family, TI-92 Family and Voyage 200?
By default, the Display Digits mode setting is FLOAT 6, which means that results are rounded to a maximum of six digits. The [MODE] key can be used to select different settings which will apply to all exponential formats. Internally, the device calculates and retains all decimal results with up to 14 significant digits (although a maximum of 12 are displayed).
Note: Regardless of the Display Digits setting, the full value is used for internal floating-point calculations to ensure maximum accuracy. Note: A result is automatically shown in scientific notation if its magnitude cannot be displayed in the selected number of digits. For additional information on mode settings, refer to the online guidebook for your specific calculator model. |
1. Display Digits 설정은 결과값을 보여주는 방식을 지정한 것일 뿐 유효숫자와는 무관하다.
2. 내부적으로는 최대 14개의 (decimal) 유효숫자를 계산하고 저장한다. (정수 제외)
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