엑셀파일에 있는 data를 사용하고 싶은데 스프레드 시트로 쉽게 옮길 방법이 있을까요?
Comment 5
CellSheet™ Converter - Windows® Software
Features Summary
The TI CellSheet Converter software provides the ability to convert spreadsheet files from one format to another. Supported file formats are the CellSheet App, Microsoft® Excel®, AppleWorks® and tab-delimited text.
*TI is making an effort to characterize the behavior of its Windows desktop software under the recently released Windows XP Service Pack 2. While there are no known issues at this time, we have not yet completed the task of retesting TI desktop software to ensure that its performance and stability have not been affected. If you experience any issues with the performance of TI desktop software after installing Windows XP SP2, please let us know the details. You can submit any issues to TI at 800-TI-CARES (800-842-2737). Thank you for your patience as we work through this process.
Windows, Microsoft, Excel and AppleWorks are trademarks of their respective owners.출처 링크 : https://education.ti.com/en/us/products/download/computer-software/cellsheet-converter---windows-software/features/features-summary
다운로드 링크 : https://education.ti.com/en/us/software/details/en/2B9B6ADE9B9B417CB9F90C1F9AC2CD17/swcellsheetconverterforwindows
위의 CelSheet Converter 를 설치하려고 보니
TI-connect 가 설치되어 있지 않다면서 설치 실패합니다.
TI-connect 를 필요로 하는 것을 보니 구형 기종들을 지원하기 위한 프로그램인 듯 합니다.
nspire 에서는 사용할 수 없을 것 같네요.
그냥 PC 용 소프트웨어 설치하시고
하는 방법이 최선인 듯 합니다.
상세한 답변 감사합니다!!
의외로 호환이 잘 안되네요 ㅜㅜ
본 적도 없고...
해 본 적도 없고...
안될 것 같다는 생각이 듭니다. 만...
검색해 보니 있긴 있네요. 그런데 문구를 읽어보니 nspire 기종 이전의 graphing calculator 용으로 개발된 느낌이 있습니다.
nspire 도 지원을 할지는 모르겠습니다.
출처 : https://epsstore.ti.com/OA_HTML/csksxvm.jsp?nSetId=73641
Knowledge Base
How can I transfer spreadsheet files from Microsoft® Excel® to a TI graphing calculator?
The TI CellSheet™ Converter software provides the ability to convert spreadsheet files from one format to another. Supported file formats are for the CellSheet App, Microsoft® Excel®, AppleWorks®, and tab-delimited text.
Please Note: A Macintosh® version of TI CellSheet Converter is available however it only works on Mac OS® version 9. Later versions of Mac OS® cannot open this software.
Follow the instructions below to convert and send a saved Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet to a compatible TI graphing calculator.
NOTE: In order for this procedure to work, the TI CellSheet Converter software must be installed on the computer, and the CellSheet App installed on the calculator.
In TI CellSheet Converter:
• Run TI CellSheet Converter
• Click File > Add > From File...
• Select Microsoft Excel (*.xls) from the Files of type drop-down menu
• Browse to the location where the file is saved to and select it
• Click Open
NOTE: Ensure that the calculator is securely connected and turned ON.
• Click Actions > Send to Device
• After the connected device is found and displayed on the Select TI Device window, click Select - The file is automatically renamed to comply with the device naming conventions.
In Microsoft® Excel®:
(Requires that the Microsoft Excel plug-in was installed during installation of TI CellSheet Convreter)
• Run Microsoft® Excel®
• Open the spreadsheet to be converted and sent to the calculator
NOTE: Ensure that the calculator is securely connected and turned ON.
• (Optional) To convert the spreadsheet with the formulas intact, click Tools > Options to display the Options window, then check the Formulas checkbox. If the Formulas checkbox is left unchecked, the software converts the spreadsheet using the formula results and does not keep the formulas.
• Click TI Tools > TI CellSheet(TM) Converter > Convert and Send to Device
• After the connected device is found and displayed on the Select TI Device window, click Select - The file is automatically renamed to comply with the device naming conventions.
The software determines the type of device connected to the computer, converts the spreadsheet sheet to the correct device format, then sends the converted sheet to the device. It does NOT save the converted sheet to the computer.
If the spreadsheet has multiple sheets, each sheet must be converted and sent individually.
For additional instructions on using the TI CellSheet Converter software, refer to the Help toolbar menu. And for instructions on using the CellSheet App, refer to the online guidebook.